Trade Program

As a member of the Combine Home Design Trade Program, you will have access to the latest news, collections, and discounts before anyone else. We recognize the importance of customization, and that’s why we offer dedicated support throughout the customization and purchasing process. Our team is here to assist you in personalizing your orders to meet your specific requirements. Whether it’s selecting the right materials, colors, or finishes, we are committed to helping you create the perfect home design.

Insider Access provides you with firsthand news, new collections, materials, discounts, and trade shows.

Our team of experts is ready to assist you with quotes, customizations, and everything in between. There are no minimum order requirements, so you can rely on us for any project size.

You have the option to request a 3D product or an interior design 3D render, and our designers will work closely with you to bring your client’s project to life.

You can find us at

More than 250 combinations

Exclusive Support on your client’s project.

Support material and samples available for a better experience with your client.

JOIN Combine Home Design TRADE PROGRAM